
Mon Repo Museum


Nikorou Theotoki 16

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On the way to Kanoni, there is a unique archaeological park of Mon Repos, near the ruins of the ancient Corinthian city of Pagliopoli. In the park is the royal palace-villa, where the Duke of Edinburgh was born. The park also contains the remains of ancient Greek temples and the female active monastery of St. Efimiya of the 17th century.

Mon Repos Palace was built by the English councilor Frederick Adams in 1830. The building was built on a plot of 258.000 sq.m. in a magnificent forest and used as a summer residence. After the entry of the Ionian Islands into the Hellenic Republic in 1864. The palace was transferred to the Greek royal family of George I, who gave the palace the name "Mon Repos", which means "My rest".

In 1863 the Austrian Empress Elisabeth (CC) was visiting the palace. Inspired by the beautiful gardens, the sea view and the beauty of Corfu, she decides to build the Achilleion Palace.

In 1964 after the overthrow of the royal family, the palace becomes the property of the mayor's office of the island. But King Konstantin Ginsburg demands the return of his property in court, and from that moment a long-term legal battle begins.

And only in 1991. the mayor's office of Corfu wins the court and the Mon Repos palace becomes completely its property, after which it opens as an archaeological museum. On the territory of the museum there are archaeological excavations - including the ancient temple of Kardaki of the 7th century. BC, supposedly built in honor of the ancient Greek god Apollo, as well as the place of worship of the Goddess Hera and the Cathedral of Dorikos, VI in BC.

The museum itself contains a unique collection of archaeological artifacts found in the ancient city of Pagliopoli.

On the territory of the museum there are unique archaeological monuments preserved in excellent condition, for example, the Dorikos Cathedral. The Dorians were the oldest tribe in Greece. A warlike tribe with strict discipline gradually captured the mainland of Ancient Greece. The Dorians were the founders in architecture, they used powerful stone columns for the construction of temples. Temples were used for sacrifices to the gods.

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