
автобусы на корфу

Buses around Corfu.

Public transport corfu international connection to corfu

Where can you get from Corfu by bus?

For those traveling from Corfu by bus, there is an intercity bus station to Mainland Greece, in particular from Corfu, you can take a bus to Thessaloniki, Athens, Yanena and Patras. Tickets can be ordered online on the company's website. The price of the bus ticket includes the price of the ferry ticket.

Bus station for green buses that run daily to all villages and districts of Corfu. And also to the cities of Greece like Athens, Thessaloniki, etc.

Telephone station in Corfu: 26610 28900

Station phone in Athens: 210 5129443

Telephone station in Thessaloniki 2310 595409

Ticket sales for Corfu: 26610 28900

Website: https://greenbuses.gr/

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